Meet Joy Pax
Certified Multidimensional Healing, Flower Essence & Reiki Holistic Therapist
I’ve spent the last six years studying holistic therapies and going on retreats to help me with my self-healing, self-awareness and self-esteem process. I’ve been learning to be a better version of myself in all aspects of my life. Thanks to that, my worldview and my spiritual view have completely changed.
I’ve earned an integrative view of life and I’ve learned that whatever happens in our physical health is completely related to our spiritual health.
Not only did the connection to true Divine energy change me completely, but also the direct interaction with Nature, our Mother Earth. The herbs, prayers, genuine service and the energy of love that comes from our hearts are very powerful in our evolution as human beings...
What You Will Find in My Content
Reiki, Meditation & Mantras
Healing, Kriya Yoga de Babaji,Yoga & Pranayamas
Ayurveda, Flower Essence & Herbs
Holistic Home:
Vastu Shastra & Feng Shui
Art, Design & Photography